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Yellow Ball of Light 

There is no situation too difficult to be bettered and no unhappiness too great to be lessened. This mic drop of a sentence forms a part of the closing reading in Al Anon. I'm sure I repeated it a hundred…

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Teacher Failure and the Elephant of Wisdom


One of the things we learn at Al Anon meetings is self-compassion. Strangely enough, we do this by listening to each other week after week, non-judgmentally, with a loving smile on our face and hugs after the meeting if we…

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Tea Time With Fear


What does fear feel like to you? 


During a conversation with my Al-Anon sponsor about leaving my life-long public teaching profession, she delicately but directly suggested that what I was really talking about was fear. I had called to sort…

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Jazz and Jackhammers

There's going to be construction every day this whole summer vacation right outside my front door. The city is tearing up the street to replace water pipes; a necessity for long term viability. This was not good news for my…

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Hail Mary

I’ve been thinking a lot about Mary for several months now and woke up compelled to write about her this Mother’s Day morning. Not growing up Catholic, my relationship with her is distant and my impressions vague. Even so, she…

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Petals On the Wind

Sun sparkled on the water as I surveyed king tide waves at Bodega Head on my fiftieth birthday. I asked Higher Power what I should focus on this mile-marker of a year. A delightful series of images and ideas rolled…

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Climbing the Ninth Step

Twelve step programs ask participants in step nine to “Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.” Though often misunderstood, this step offers a spiritual practice of facing…

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52 Card Pickup

What a week. On the phone yesterday, a friend compared the struggle to create a new normal during this pandemic to a game of fifty-two card pickup. It certainly feels like playing without a full deck.

The last post showed…

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Easy Does It

Today marks our first attempt at a homeschool/work schedule since "Spring Break" officially ended. Last week, when we weren't paralyzed with fear, or blowing short fuses with each other, we enjoyed empty beach trips, long neighborhood walks, baking, cooking, movies…

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Otra vez

I don't have a tattoo, but if I did, the words "otra vez"' on my wrist in a cool script would be my choice. Again. When life knocks you down, get back up. When a hope gets deferred, keep at…

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